Welcome to TEAM Embassy Module Four online course
Now that you have completed Modules One, Two and Three, you are ready to move ahead to a higher level yet! Module Four is an advanced course designed to give you a course that is packed with vital resources in a wide range of subjects. In this course you will learn:
- How to do effective self-deliverance
- How to close the doors from past sexual sin
- How science and the supernatural collide in divine healing
In Module Four you will discover how to…
- Encounter Christ your deliverer
- Overcome the wiles of the devil
- Outwit religious spirits
- Escape the snares of sexual temptation
- Release the energy of belief and prayer
- Break through barriers to receiving your healing
- Receive God's creative power even down to a cellular level
- Overcome stress and walk in supernatural rest
At the end of a successfully passing grade, a Certificate of Completion will be awarded and hand-signed by Dennis and Dr Jen Clark. When you complete Each Module, send us a note with your address and how you would like your name spelled on the certificate.
1. All work on the online school must be completed by the person who originally signed up.
2. Do not share your login information with others. Only one certificate of completion can be awarded per student.
3. Unless otherwise noted, any seminar or module taken in person does NOT qualify you to take the NEXT course on the online school.
4. Likewise, taking the Modules online does not qualify you to take the next sequence of modules in person at any given seminar.
If you are interested in becoming a Certified Instructor, please let us know and we will give you the guidelines and what to expect as far as what work it would entail.
Your Instructor

Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark