Self-Deliverance Made Simple
How to rely on Christ within us for spiritual and emotional freedom and healing.
Enroll in Course“You were created for the devil to fear you! Self-Deliverance Made Simple shows you how to receive freedom for yourself and empowers you to make sure that every door to the enemy in your life gets closed and stays closed!” –SID ROTH, HOST, It’s Supernatural!
You don't have to live in bondage to demonic forces of darkness.
Finally, help is available!
You don't even have to rely upon someone else for deliverance.
With the help of Christ within you can find the freedom you need.
Jesus your Deliverer dwells within your own heart.
He is “Christ in you" your ever-present “hope of glory" (Col. 1:27).
It's time for freedom to become your new normal! Let's get started!
Included in This Course:
- The Complete 88 Page Simple Keys to Self Deliverance Course Study Guide
- 8 Chapters With Video Sessions (Over 8 Hours of Teachings)
- Chapter Quizzes After Each Section to Check Your Understanding
- A Final Graded Online Exam
- As an added Bonus, we have included a place for community discussion. We encourage you to post your questions and comments or to discuss material pertaining to the class curriculum with each other. Coaches/Teachers will be present on these forums from time to time to answer questions and aid in discussions.
In This Course, You Will Discover How to:
- Recognize the presence of demonic activity
- Discern the difference between flesh emotions and evil spirits
- Take back legal ground where the enemy has had access
- Cleanse negative emotions quickly and permanently
- Take control of your thought life
- Discover how to deal with religious spirits
- Break the power of seducing spirits and soulish prayers
- Experience God's healing presence
And much more!
As you experience the deliverance provided by Jesus, you can truly know a supernatural peace and power you have never experienced before.
1. All work on the online school must be completed by the person who originally signed up.
2. Please do not share your login information with others.
Your Instructor

Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark