Releasing the Divine Healer Within - A "SECRETS REVEALED" SERIES
A Collision between Science and the Supernatural
Have you ever wondered why the skin of Moses glowed so brightly that he frightened the children of Israel when he came down from Mt. Sinai? Why had being in the glory of God for 40 days and nights so dramatically changed his physical appearance?
Is it possible that we are created in such a way that the presence of God can transform our body even down to the cellular level?
According to recent scientific discoveries, the answer is an emphatic, “Yes!"
… And the Divine Healer is in your own heart!
You will discover how to:
- Yield to the Divine Healer in you
- Welcome healing power into every cell of your body
- Remove toxic emotions blocking your healing
We can go to Jesus directly and receive His miraculous healing power!
Your Instructor

Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark