Unlock a lifestyle of freedom in God's Presence
None of us are exempt from getting hurt. The problem is what we do with pain. Bitterness runs rampant. Un-forgiveness is spreading at an epidemic rate. Brokenness is the norm, not the exception.
We may experience temporary freedom or momentary relief—then life faithfully throws something else right back at us, starting the pain cycle all over again. But…
What if you can break the cycle?
What if freedom could become a lifestyle?
What if the secret to accessing this lifestyle was a Person?
In Live Free, Dennis and Dr. Jen Clark offer a user-friendly guide to unlocking your lifestyle of freedom through intimacy with God.
Take the First Session In this Seminar completely FREE and Discover:
- How to connect with God—and stay connected!
- How to demystify what intimacy with God looks like—and make it practical
- How God's Presence is the entry-way to your freedom
- The Complete First Session of the Live FREE Seminar (70 Minutes)
- Session Quiz to Help You Test Your Understanding
- As an added Bonus, we have included a place for community discussion. We encourage you to post your questions and comments or to discuss material pertaining to the class curriculum with each other. Coaches/Teachers will be present on these "chats" from time to time to answer questions and aid in discussions.
Get ready for freedom to become your new normal as you learn what it means to live in God's Presence!
TESTIMONIES From this and other Courses available:
Practicing yielding and sinking into the Lord has helped me attain so much more peace in my life. It has also helped me to release loved ones into His capable hands. Thank you for the how to's in practicing His Presence and receiving sanctification on a daily basis!
- Jean
This is such a Blessing...Learning how to appropriately & adequately deal with emotional baggage and inner turmoil once and for all, instead of stuffing it and trying to cope with it. I can't thank you all enough for this 60 Day Challenge as it is resulting in inner peace, mental and spiritual clarity, and the return of my JOY!
- Sandra
- Sharon
Freedom!!! A significant teaching point in this section unlocked a truth that dissolved a lie I have believed since a child. The truth is when I forgive an offender the proper way, as taught here, I am not required to be reconciled and be friends with that person who has not changed and still acts in harmful ways to me and my family. Establishing an boundary IS wisdom. The truth is reconciliation may never take place between me and the offender and I don't have to feel guilty about that anymore. Now that is a Lesson Learned! My top priority is to be reconciled to God first by staying connected to The Forgiver, Jesus Christ.
- Aleta
Thank you for giving me the keys to a lifelong quest.
- Eleanor
What we are learning here is "The Missing Link" that all of creation is waiting for.This ministry's approach has given me a clearer understanding of how to "Rightly Divide" the Word of Truth resulting in an abiding peace that I've not known before. Awesome!
- Manuel
Course Curriculum
Frequently Asked Questions
Your Instructor

Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark