This course on Intimate Prayer is for the hungriest of the hungry!
You will learn to apply what God disclosed to Pastor Dennis years ago over a period of many months.
Prayer is being WITH someone. As you are diligent & faithful to pursue this deeper relationship with our Jesus, you too will be richly rewarded. “HE is our exceedingly great reward.”Gen.15:1
Because Pastor Dennis has gone before us as a forerunner, we can glean from these life-changing encounters. The Holy Spirit revealed supernatural keys for this deeper prayer life we so desire.
As you look at this curriculum , you'll be drawn to discover the treasure chest of what God wants you personally to know of Himself & how to walk out that experience with Him on a continuingly/progressive basis!
You will not want to miss this opportunity to learn from a “world class” instructor who actually owns these “how to's” & therefore, can mentor you through them.
- We can experience abiding in Christ 24/7.
- Discover how to touch the glory of Christ in you (Col. 1:27)
- Know how to abide in the presence of God 24/7
- Learn the way of ever-deepening communion
- Discover how to be cleansed of toxic emotions
- Experience the fruit of the Spirit as a lifestyle
Does this sound too good to be true? On the contrary: Christ suffered to redeem our lives from darkness and usher us into the glory of His tangible Presence. How dare we settle for anything less?
Most Christians believe that this is possible—at least theoretically, doctrinally—but few have actually experienced this intimacy, even momentarily, and even fewer are
practicing God's Presence all day, every day.
We invite you to journey with us into this experiential union with Christ.
Your Instructor

Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark