How to Live in Peace 24/7 Mini-Course
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You! (Isaiah 26:3 NLT).
During the darkest period of Israel’s history, God gave the wonderful promise of “perfect peace,” and it can be a special help for us when we are surrounded by much gloom and depression and when we are constantly threatened with the three great enemies of doubt, fear and worry. It is described as “perfect peace”. But what is perfect peace? Can we define it? Yes, it is a condition of freedom from disturbance within the soul; it is perfect harmony reigning within.
From the place of peace, we can rest in knowing that God is in control as an experience.
In this course you will discover:
- How powerful the peace of God really is.
- How to experience the unshakeable peace which "passes all understanding."
- How to tap into the gift of peace Jesus gave us.
- How to dislodge fear and anxiety and open your heart to receive peace.
Filled with encouragement to lift our hearts into the presence of God, this course on peace offers insight on living with God's peace in our lives and how we can open our hearts to receive it.
Your Instructor

Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark