Five Functions of the Human Spirit
The Full Stature Approach
Course Discription
What if you could tap into a spiritual power source that would make the mighty Niagara Falls look like a trickle? What if you could learn how to function out of that great power to recharge your own life and release healing to the world around you?
That power source is in your own heart!
Jesus promised us access to a continuously flowing artesian well of living water in our heart―the river of God. When we practice the five functions of our human spirit we tap into the ever-flowing river of God's will.
"He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" —John 7:38
Included in This Course
- The Digital Video Session for Five Functions of the Human Spirit (72 Min)
- The Five Functions Booklet (61 Pages)
- Chapter Check-ups for Each of the 6 Chapters
- and a Final Graded Exam
- As an added Bonus, we have included a place for community discussion. We encourage you to post your questions and comments or to discuss material pertaining to the class curriculum with each other. Coaches/Teachers will be present on these forums from time to time to answer questions and aid in discussions.
1. All work on the online school must be completed by the person who originally signed up.
2. Please do not share your login information with others.
Your Instructor

Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark