Co-dependency and Counter-dependency
The Tangled Web
Millions of people around the world suffer from the debilitating effects of co-dependency. It can drag you into a vicious cycle of unhealthy relationships and can trap you in a snare of misery. The damaging and crippling effects of co-dependency leave its victims exasperated, confused, hopeless, and apparently unable to break free. The counterpart of co-dependent clinging is counter-dependency―the inability to be intimate. The common denominator in both is using people to meet emotional needs.
There is hope! Healing begins with honesty but is complete only when we deal with the roots of these behavior patterns and become authentic in our relationships. The good news is that we can be healed and we can change.
In this two part lesson, you will
Learn how to identify the unhealthy behaviors that negatively affect your life
Understand the difference between caregiving and care taking
Identify co-dependent and counter-dependent tendencies and begin to set proper outward and inward boundaries.
Learn how to identify the roots of co-dependency and counter-dependency
Discover how to achieve the freedom you so desperately crave through dealing with your toxic emotions
Receive root level healing for the needs that trap you in unhealthy relationships
At the core of healing co-dependency is the realization that you can't change other people. We can only let God change us as we take personal responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Don't wait! Take action right away to obtain freedom from a co-dependent life. Take a step out of the tangled web of co-dependency and find the pathway to freedom.
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Your Instructor

Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark
Courses Included with Purchase